Accessibility Statement for

We, Global Business Consulting Inc., always believe that our products should be usable by people with every sort of ability. We believe that access to technology is a fundamental right; therefore, we always strive to make our sites, apps, as well as other digital assets accessible for all, including people with diverse sets of disabilities. We are aware that accessibility is an ongoing journey; therefore, we, from time to time, bring in or partner with third-party professionals or experts to audit or remediate our products to globally recognized accessibility standards, which is WCAG 2.1. Please note that auditing refers to evaluating any digital assets against accessibility standards, while remediating refers to implementing necessary changes identified during the Accessibility Audit.

Our Current Efforts on Digital Accessibility

While we may lack the knowledge to provide the best accessible user experience, we believe that with the mindset of promoting our products to every population, we can achieve that goal by any means. With this goal, we have started focusing on digital accessibility, and we are very passionate about providing an experience on our sites where visitors with diverse abilities can experience the same. While achieving 100% accessibility is an ongoing journey, we plan to partner with accessibility professionals with diverse sets of disabilities from time to time for robustness. In our current efforts, we are partnering with an accessibility professional with visual impairment who is responsible for promoting digital accessibility in our products by collaborating with developers and designers on maintaining, procuring, educating, and evaluating for accessibility standards.

Our Process for Making Our Products Accessible

We believe that experts are the best people to guide us towards inclusive design. We always follow guidance from professionals on making our products accessible for a large user base as much as possible. Our first step in implementing accessibility is preparing the WCAG audit. WCAG refers to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which are globally recognized accessibility standards. We always work with professionals with disabilities in conducting accessibility audits. This ensures that we directly hear feedback from the community rather than relying on documentation or articles to identify and resolve accessibility violations.

We are aware that people with diverse needs also use assistive technologies for their day-to-day tasks. We always evaluate our products with such assistive technologies, including, but not limited to, screen readers. We also believe that accessibility is not just for a particular set of people with disabilities. Therefore, we plan to expand our team to include professionals with diverse groups of people in the accessibility panel in the future and ensure thorough accessibility audits are carried out.

Auditing is just the first step towards making the site accessible. It requires those issues to be remediated so people can experience it while they use our sites or apps. We collaborate with accessibility professionals on remediating our digital assets for accessibility. We go through an iterative process where we constantly partner with professionals as we make necessary modifications to our source code. This ensures that we are following accessibility best practices that also adapt to our current designs.

Your Feedback Matters!

We believe that the more accessible experience we design, the more visitors we are going to attract! Although we partner with accessibility professionals for the accessibility journey, we believe that every user journey matters. If you face any accessibility challenges while operating our products, you can contact us at [insert your email here] with suggestions, and we will try to resolve them in collaboration with accessibility professionals as soon as possible. We always appreciate your help throughout our journey in making our products inclusive for everyone.

Work-in-progress and Subject to Change

We are constantly working on improving our designs to adhere to accessibility standards. As we add, alter, modify, or polish our designs, this accessibility statement is subject to change. Any changes made to this statement will be directly posted on this site, on the same page currently being viewed.

Last updated: 26-04-2024

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